Simple Painting Techniques for Interior Walls

If you want to give your interior space some substantial visual appeal, have you ever considered the fact that simply doing some simple but unusual wall painting is enough to transform your room into a ‘wow’ space?

Now when compared to adding a new area rug, buying some colourful throw pillows to brighten up your sofa, installing a new set of blinds, or building a set of new floating shelves to place your objet d’art collections, wall painting can and will totally transform your interior’s feel and mood.

For instance, with the right colour choice for three of your living room’s walls and a striking complementary (or contrasting!) colour for the trims, cornices, and fourth wall that serves as the main wall (focal point), the results you’ll get will be more astonishing than any of those furnishings mentioned above.

You’ll be surprised how a simple paint effect can transform a room’s interior, giving it a pleasantly welcoming ambience.

You Can Do-it-Yourself With Any of These 2 Techniques

If you are a DIY enthusiast and wish to transform your room’s interior yourself, you can give your space a simple but striking makeover with any of these two different paint application techniques. Sometimes, depending on the effect you aim to create, these two techniques can be used together for interior wall painting.

Courtesy: Rollerwall

1. Painting Using the Rolling Technique

This painting technique is the most commonly used and probably the simplest to do once you have the necessary tools. You can use it for plain block colours or decorative patterns that give the illusion of beautiful wallpaper or intricate wall stencilling at the cost of ordinary house paint. This works best when applied on a central eye-catching wall in the room.
  • Roller wall patterns
  • Roller cover and cage
  • Stir sticks
  • Paint tray and liners
  • Extension pole (for high walls)
  • Paintbrush for thin edges/areas and the hard-to-reach corners.
There is a misconception that rolling can be more labour-intensive than using a brush, but that’s really a matter of opinion. The great thing about using this paint application method is that it requires the least investment in tools and best of all, you use less paint.

2. Paint Spraying Technique

The spray painting technique is not for everyone, and certainly not for a first time home painter. Not only can you end up wasting paint and getting paint on areas you shouldn’t (fine paint mist will settle on objects, even at the furthermost corner of the room), it can also pose a health hazard if you don’t use a nose guard (mask) to keep paint or varnish mist out of your lungs! Tools required for spraying include:

  1. Airless spray paint gun
  2. Old newspapers or canvas paint tarpaulin (you can rent this)
  3. Drop cloths to protect areas like the windows
  4. Painter’s tape
. . . And some determination!

One thing to have in mind, before you attempt to spray paint, you must practice using the spray gun . . . try by practising on some plain cardboard; it’s not that hard to spray once you get the hang of it.

So, if you were to choose between the two painting techniques, which would you prefer?

Spray painting - You will agree that painting with a spray-gun within the confines of a home’s interior always requires special attention – using nose guards, covering up areas that don’t require painting, moving stuff out of the room, masking edges, trims, and other finishes that may form a part of the wall’s surface – wood panels or decorative brick-works for instance., etc…

However, with the right application techniques, it’s hard to beat the flawless finish of spray paint. It gives a perfect and uniform coverage for walls, including woodwork and cabinetry. And there are great time savings when you spray versus when you roll paint.

Roller paintingIf you are working on a tight budget, roller painting is best. It is very cost effective as there is no possibility of spills, drips, and overpainting, as you’ll find when you spray paint. These all translate into wasted funds! But if you ask for my opinion, I’ll push for the roller painting application, especially if the house is currently occupied, and if a makeover involves just a few walls at best.

Further Reading: