Before You Design Interior Spaces, Do This Important Thing First

Before interior designers begin to create a concept and prepare preliminary drawings, they must first decide on a theme. The professionals know a good design starts with a theme. 

The style of choice can range from minimalist to elegant country, eclectic, contemporary, ethnic, Art Deco, traditional, feng shui, etc. Once this is ascertained, the interior design process can begin.

A living room theme.

A stylish theme for a living area. (Image used under license from

They then begin the technical aspect: sketch floor plans, elevations, furniture placements and 3D representations. Furnishing, finishes, and other elements are noted.

But if you plan to upgrade a space or give your interior a makeover, employing the services of a professional interior designer is pricey and in many instances, unnecessary. Why? Because you can do a lot of the tasks required, yourself. You don’t need professional skills to apply clever and transforming interior design tricks.

Choosing a Theme

You should pick a theme with a lot of thought. But the good thing? There are no rigid rules concerning choices.
  1. Do you live alone or live with a partner?
  2. Do you have young kids still scampering around?
  3. Is your home full of occupants?
  4. Are you ready to ensure that you can maintain the aesthetics of the style?
If you have a sense of designing and decorating, then, go ahead and create a unique theme; a mix of the old and new works great. Combine no more than two themes (except for eclectic styling). Anything above that will be an overkill. But make one more dominant over the other. 

For example, a dominant modern theme with splashes of vintage-inspired elements will give a striking look. You'll love the nobody-else-has-this-style feel.

Plan to use elements that'll enhance your theme. Think finishes (floor, walls, and ceiling), colour scheme, artwork, textiles, patterns, and textures. There are also window treatments, lighting, and decor items that translate the theme perfectly.

Hire an Interior Designer or DIY?

After you've decided on a theme and (importantly) your colour scheme, you can begin your upgrade/makeover project. A good thing, we now live in a DIY era, so you can be your own interior designer and save tons of money.

Of course, there are certain tasks you cannot implement without contractors. For instance, if your upgrade requires some wiring, you need a licensed electrician. And if it involves a kitchen upgrade, you'll need a licensed plumber. You may hire one from your local home improvement stores. 

Work at your own pace. Know what you can do and hire someone to do what you can’t. And if you don’t have that lump sum of money available, you can do your interior design work in phases.

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7 Inexpensive Ways to Upgrade Your Kitchen
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